Guide your child into more independent reading with the colorful Horizons 3rd Grade Phonics & Reading Student Reader 1. Eighty captivating stories like "The Frog Prince," "Amazing Grace," "The Ant and the Grasshopper," as well as poems such as "My Shadow," "How the Leaves Came Down," and "Bed in Summer" correlate with daily lessons and reading activities presented in Horizons 3rd Grade Phonics & Reading Student Book 1.
Boost your child's reading skills with the brightly illustrated Horizons 3rd Grade Phonics & Reading Student Reader 2. Eighty captivating stories like "Puss in Boots," "The Blind Men and the Elephant," "Jack and the Beanstalk," and "The Ransom of Red Chief," as well as poems such as "Over in the Meadow," "Song from the Suds," and "My Bed is a Boat" correlate with daily reading activities found in Horizons 3rd Grade Phonics & Reading Student Book 2.
This is the 2-Student Workbook Set
Boost your child's reading skills with the brightly illustrated Horizons 3rd Grade Phonics & Reading Student Reader 2. Eighty captivating stories like "Puss in Boots," "The Blind Men and the Elephant," "Jack and the Beanstalk," and "The Ransom of Red Chief," as well as poems such as "Over in the Meadow," "Song from the Suds," and "My Bed is a Boat" correlate with daily reading activities found in Horizons 3rd Grade Phonics & Reading Student Book 2.
This is the 2-Student Workbook Set